Tok 3 Tok 4

Thursday, June 28, 2007

MP or GT Girls ?


According to the report at THE STAR paper today, 2 sorhai MPs from the Barisan Nasional condemned the models of the GT Gals who were in Malaysia recently for the Super GT International Series.

Hasni Mohamad asked whether the Youth and Sports Ministry had ignored reminding the organiser of the Super GT International Series about the dress code for the Japanese models taking part in the event.

Whereas Mohamed Aziz asked why the authorities seemed to be reluctant to take action against foreigners when they committed offences in the country. He somemore asked "Do all men like to look at naked women? There may be some men who like to watch. But are the authorities afraid to take action against foreigners?".

So, Lin Peh like to do a survey now.

Do you like to look at

A) Hasni Mohamad


B) Mohamed Aziz


C)The GT Gals !



Please make you choice carefully as it may affect the outcum of the next general erection !


11 Condeminations:

Blogger Helen condemn:

Diu, this is a hard one.

You want a honest answer? OK ...

I will definitely look at the 2 chap IF they're wearing bikinis. Cleavage or no cleavage, I'll still look at them. Period.

Hope you dun cum before the GE. lol

Blogger anthraxxxx condemn:

The MPs are jealous that no one would ever look at them. Not even gays.

Blogger ah nel condemn:

Lin peh!!!

i chosed MP worrr!!!!

the reason is every time i see all their face i wana tfk coz their face all look like cheebai...

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

MP? What MP? I see no MP mia photos!

Blogger Huei condemn:


i'd rather be lesbian lah! >.<

Blogger ckyeo condemn:

As your tou dai it's time for me to prepare biscuit and one box of ciggarte for you in case one day you are shifting to Bukit Aman!!!

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Did the Japanese girls violated any Malaysian laws?? You know why some people are against it?? ahhhh...itu have not seen their wives yet right?!

Blogger wombie condemn:

d) cars

Blogger Monk condemn:

how dare they shoot japanese girl/ gt girl?

Boo boo those two MP...

If u(to mp) are gay and don't look at woman ... then don't look ar :P

Blogger ZMM condemn:

Both also so hemsem.. how to choose??

Aiya.. I choose my husband la.. can or not? (don't know will affect erection boh)

Blogger jessbabe condemn:

I want hot babes... The MPs can keep their hot bod and c*cks. I'm not interested in them.

Add your condemn
