Tok 3 Tok 4

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Writing Projeck: I is the Author !

If you are a regular follower of blogs, no need Lin Peh tell also you know many bloggers can write damn good story. So, to honour all these eat full nothing to do peoples and to show the world the power of bloggers, Lin Peh will be starting a new projeck. Code name: I is the Author!

How the Projeck Work:

1. Lin Peh will start by writing the Chapter One of a story and then pass it to another blogger to continue the Chapter Two.

2. After finished writing the Chapter Two, the Author of Chapter Two will choose another Blogger to continue with the Chapter Three...and goes on until the story finish.

3. Terms and Conditions are as follows


1. There is no limit on the length of each chapter but the story must be continuos (got flow like dat) from the previous Chapters.

2. Each author is given 72 hours to complete the chapter. If not, the offer is automatically void and a new author will be chosen.

3. No author can be chosen twice.

4. The story can onli be ended with the consent (thru a referandom) from majority of the authors.

5. The author of the Chapter is responsible only for the content of his or her own chapter. Meaning if the writing is so screwed up that some fellas decided to burn the house of the author, please burn only the house of the author of that particular chapter only.


1. In the event that we catch a "water fish" publisher who wants to publish the story, all the authors will share share the income equally.

2. For the shake of transparency and to promote "Saya Auntie Rasuah", all the authors have the right to be present during the negotiation with the publisher.

3. In the event authors kenot cum, he or she can send the representatives provided that the representatives is the spouse, family members, manager, maid, or any human being with the intention to squeeze the publisher like GRO squeeze their client like dat.

4. The following seating arrangement must be followed during negotiation:

All authors must agree to the terms and conditions above by posting a simple "I do" at the comment box for this post before starting to write the story.

So, please look out for Chapter One and pray that you will/will not be the chosen one ;-)

39 Condeminations:

Blogger Reta condemn:

sounds like the fun...

Blogger Nine3 Nine3 condemn:

NiaSing, u want to die ar? How come you sit all besice Chic now and all the sila in green right behind
Die Die

kekeke I now 9394 put fire on Lin Peh

I sokong u la

Blogger Nine3 Nine3 condemn:

By th way what story?/
Hamsup ?

Blogger Cocka Doodle condemn:

Hoi! How come you get to sit with all the chun chicks ah? I disagree oreadi! LOL

Blogger She's Jess condemn:

Wow... this is fun man..


Put me in..

Blogger Lin Peh condemn:

Tank Q for supporting.

Nine3 Nine4:
The seating arrangement is based on computation and calculation by Feng Shui master wan la. LOL!

The story humsap or not is yet to know.....suspense leh ? But when it ever reaches you, it will be up to you to make it humsap, yumsap, foongsap, or whatever sap you wan. :-)

Cocka Doodle:
Please see comment above. LOL!

She's Jess:
Put you in ? How in ? In enough....lagi in ? uhhhh....ahh.....somemore in? LOL!

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Cool, I want to write story too!

Blogger She's Jess condemn:

Ugh.. you get what I mean.. ish...

Blogger She's Jess condemn:

Ugh.. you get what I mean.. ish...

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Can la. I bring baseball bat and sit behind the publisher.

Blogger Lin Peh condemn:

Good. Make sure you participate.

She's Jess:
Why you posted the same Ugh commenet 2 times wan ! HAHAHA!

Bring baseball bat and sit behind the publisher! You are the one Lin Peh looking for !!!!! Tank Q Tank Q Tank Q!

Blogger condemn:

I wanna boikot because I belong to neither group. I very cun silai sit where wor?

Blogger condemn:

I know! On Lin Peh's lap.

*Lin Peh mati pucuk adi*

Blogger Helen condemn:

sounds scary.... I hope you'll go for those si-lais whose Engrish geng geng one... like the femes mama-san from Penang... :-P

Blogger pj condemn:

i want! please put me in...

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Lin Peh sure feeling very ong now. So many gir gir want to be 'put in' by Lin Peh. All the silais also jeles until throw themselve at him. Haha.

Blogger She's Jess condemn:

TER click la boss

Blogger condemn:

*wedding music in the background*

I do.

Blogger sengkor condemn:

*still wedding music in the background*

crowd whispering: oo.. so sweet..

suddenly door kicked open by a guy on a kapcai. 'I OBJECT!' he shouted.

see, i started writing oredi.. lol

Blogger sun, moon & star condemn:

this project sounds great ....

Blogger Admin condemn:

i du too...

Blogger Lin Peh condemn:

You sure klehver la (Sit on Lin Peh's lap) ;-)

Femes mama-san from Penang? Which nightclub wan ?

OK...Sure "Put in" wan ;-) LOL!

Siao Cha Bor:
"Saya sudi" Syariah court?

Since u so good bring baseball bat, Lin Peh will give u one chic for everything hit u make on the water-fish head. On ?

She's Jess:
Don't call boss la. Call piao-ker will do ;-)

seng kor:
Ah Seng cum your story is like the Shanghai bitch mia ? ;-)

Tank Q for looking this projeck so up !

Ah Pek:
Tank Q Ah Pek ! make sure when your turn to cum, the poems all keng keng wan ;-)

Blogger Maverick SM condemn:

Eh, count me in ... I love this fun!!!

Blogger King's wife condemn:

for those with no imagination and write like shit (ie. me)

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Thanks linpeh's wet kisses. Yumsup still "lam" linpeh one. Never lost my way lar .. just came back from holidays.

Blogger Mother Superior condemn:

Really admire your ambition. Call me for publishing, yah? Sure...

I like your spelling of "referendum". Can die! :-)

Blogger sengkor condemn:

shanghai bitch the script i sent to tvb ma last time.

Blogger Lin Peh condemn:

Maverick SM
Since u are the first guy who said "count me in", please tell you want to in who ? ;-)

King's wife:
For those with no imagination and write like shit...just write shit without using imagination lor ! LOL!

KNN...still alive ah ? Valentine oso no cum wish me and horliday oso no bring Lin Peh along :-( No cool la.

Mother Superior:
What so great about my spelling of "referendum" wor ? LOL!

seng kor:
KNN..early early say so la cause Lin Peh need good script writer for all the bitches besides Shanghai mia. Example KL bitch, PJ Bitch, Ipoh Bitch, Penang many la.

Blogger ZMM condemn:

You really eat full nothing to do..

Blogger Helen condemn:

Which nightclub?? No. That mamasan freelance one. Fulltime blogger partime mama-san.

Blogger The Miserable condemn:

count me in

Blogger Lin Peh condemn:

Got job for Lin Peh ? ;-)

Freelance mia mamasan oso u know. You Terra oso la ;-)

Tank Q for support !

Blogger Wingz condemn:

wuah mcp noone sign in for me ka ? knn!!!

Blogger L B condemn:

Er... LOL, read all the rules..

I do

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Ei. So how now? 3 days expire liao. Story going to die liddat one.

Blogger Ed condemn:

Sorry I could not post at work and my email to you bounced back Lin Peh. I have found an author. Siao Cha Bor has agreed to work on the next Chapter.

Sorry for the delay. I take full responsibility for the delay. Wonder if AhMay can use the yeast for baking meh?

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

OK OK I do! :) It's already done, btw.

Blogger Unknown condemn:

I've done my part. HOpe it's not too late. And die die, I didn't bother/was too busy to read the rules. My part's all whacked up from the original liaw...

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!

Add your condemn
