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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

OLIN: Eye-Fi

Lin Peh is very proud to announce to you that the King of Humsap, MR. ACEONE has recently joined OLIN as the small head of research department. Since then, he has succesfully invented a new produck call Eye-Fi. Without further delay, Lin Peh is proud to present to you the first invention by MR. ACEONE.

Here you go:

Another Great Produck by:

11 Condeminations:

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Wakakaka...king of humsap? Laughed till 'chau kan'!!

Blogger inevitable condemn:

Muahahaha... never know Aceone joined LinCockWingz Institute already...
Hope that your product sell well

Blogger Mockingbird condemn:

No limit to humsap lou's horny salty wet creativity :p

Blogger Wingz condemn:

I want order 10!!!!

Blogger Wuching condemn:

cool! i also want a pair!

Blogger Maverick SM condemn:

You really more than eye-fi, later, ball-five

Blogger Unknown condemn:

Wakakakaka... never know aceone invented something so keng! I want order it!

Blogger Cocka Doodle condemn:

I want a pair that can see thru clothings also. LOL

Blogger rainbow angeles condemn:

LOL! Ei, how cum all kondems from Batangs oni wan??

i want do a plink...

Blogger wombie condemn:

looks painful

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

virtually invisible? heheheheh

Add your condemn
