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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Latest from OLIN: iPiaomei Nano

The year 2006 was a very succesful year for OLIN especially with its world renowned iPiaomei.

Due to popular demand, Lin Peh has decided to cum out with a smaller version of the iPiaomei which is more portable and more affordable and still achieving the same results. With this new product, the wishes of millions of OLIN followers cum tru!

OLIN is proud to present to you its latest produck:

iPiaomei Nano

Very easy to carry around

Got cover somemore!

Four Different Models Available

1) iPiaomei Nano - Normal (Model No: PU55Y)

iPiaomei Nano - Oral (Model No: BJ69)

iPiaomei Nano - Anal (Model No: A55)

iPiaomei Nano - Animal (Model No: 51CK0)

Another Great Produck by:

21 Condeminations:

Blogger sengkor condemn:

the 51CK0 model looks more like a piggy bank.. oh ya, piggy is animal. no wonder... linpeh dem pannai.

Blogger Wingz condemn:

each one pls! where do i pay?

Blogger King's wife condemn:

wah! spoilt for choice.
Nano some more...don't play play! lol!!

Blogger inevitable condemn:

Boss, how much + transportation cost?

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

I want all 4 models in large quantities. Quote me. Take paypla onot, lolz.

Blogger rainbow angeles condemn:

of all the models, sengkor thai chong jor that model... yeeee so sicko wan...

*waiting for iPiaoker NANO*

Anonymous Anonymous condemn: come that model BJ69 looks like your mouth geh?

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Aiyoh Lin Peh so U so long long time no post is becoz u busy testing out all the Ipiaomei Nano ah????

Blogger Lil Patchee condemn:

Yiii... Like torchlight!
Ah Seng, I didn't know you have the hots for pigs. ;)

Blogger dreamie condemn:

LinPeh you been working hard on your research. These look more handy and more user friendly after your enhancements.

you sooo creative .. :)

Blogger Lin Peh condemn:

Now I know you like which type liao ! LOL!

You want so many for what ? Can tahan meh ?

King's wife:
You like leh ?

Don't worry, sure I kasi you special discount wan !

OK la ! Lin Peh make you the sole agent for Ipoh la !

Our R&D is doing research on the iPiaoker NANO just for you ! Cumming Soon !

Cocka Doodle:
You dream la !

Yeah lor. Test until face green lips white (Min Cheng Hao Soon Park) ! Fulatt liao !

Lil Patchee:
Torchlight fucntion is optional for those blurfuck with with poor eyesight! LOL!

Lin Peh glad you like ! Team effort la !

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

why samn wan to order? for who ah?

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Wuahh!!!I like ..I like!!! Placing my order for each model. Buy all model got spesel discount anot??kekekeke

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

I order the Normal 1... when I can get it?

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

walao.. where to buy ar? i wanna buy 1 for my friend's 21 bday

Blogger ah nel condemn:

all tis cibai belong to malay o lil gal kar?y no bulu wan???

*phek phan*

Blogger Infectioner condemn:

got discount ar if buy complete set? XD

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

lin peh.. i wan Ipiaoger.. big and nice wan ... hahahaha....

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

taikor, soli i din come see u that stuck at pj & so dem busy! hehe

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Ahahah hey good for wifes to get it for their husband who goes out for trips very often1 =P

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

wei i'm back......
i wan that pu55y wan 1 pulez......
got free luberiket anot?


Add your condemn
