After Lin Peh post about the Hooter restaurant that Lin Peh managed, many peeple think Lin Peh got very good business idea and they all wrote to Lin Peh asking for potential business venture. Since Lin Peh not selfish wan, Lin Peh will now show you the next business venture that Lin Peh will do. It's called OLIN iCAFE!
The difference between Olin cyber cafe and the one you all usually go and surf porn one is Olin iCafe offers Piaomei to surf together with you one. It will be something like this:

However, please do not ask Lin Peh for the exact location of the Olin iCafe yet because it is currently still under prototype testing at a secret location:

You wan to hire Manager anot?
Cocka Doodle condemn:
Linpeh kah lu time put on shirt first before take picture lah.
ckyeo condemn:
lin peh!!! i derno u live in village wan!!
Horny Ang Moh condemn:
I want! I want to cum to your cyber cafe....How much ahhhh? Got discount for first timer like me??
If go cyber enjoy with piaomei want la. but nanti kena take pics lidat... me ma cham?!?!?
must make sure no dog dog team inside hoh!
Huei condemn:
when u wana open Olin hair saloon?? =P
Simple American condemn:
Where can I find that in the US?