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Saturday, April 05, 2008

Mr. Ken Lee, Where Are You?

Dear Mr. Ken Lee,

Someone looking for you.

Where the fuck are you ? ;-)

7 Condeminations:

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

who the fuck is ken lee?

Blogger Cocka Doodle condemn:

So..they have their version of ah lians with powderful engrish also hor?

Blogger pisang goreng 115,NF condemn:

This comment has been removed by the author.

Blogger pisang goreng 115,NF condemn:

you all memang ah lina's and beng's la

that song is "Without You"
sings by "AIR SUPPLY"

later sing by maliah carey

Blogger W_W_H condemn:

made in china kah???

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

So hilirious.
Your posting solved my tense moment with my second mistress... Ayo... got to go back to her and make piss.. I mean..peace.

Blogger W_W_H condemn:

ken leee!!!!!!!!!!
no mader with or without chu!!!!!

lin peh!!!!!!!!!
can't live without lin peh!!!!!!!!!

Add your condemn
