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Monday, June 04, 2007

Malaysia on USA News !

It seems that Malaysia nowadays very BOLEH even the Chinese TV Station in USA got news coverage on Malaysia!

According to the news, an officer in charge of passport renewal at the Malaysia Consulate General In New York was reportedly estorting from those Malaysian who were renewing their passport.

Here is the news clip:

Malaysian Boleh!

5 Condeminations:

Blogger Wuching condemn:

kopi-o accepted everywhere not just in bolehland mah! hehehe

Blogger Huei condemn:

msia boleh!


Blogger Monk condemn:

This comment has been removed by the author.

Blogger Monk condemn:

high skilled banana like me couldn't understand what the they are saying :(

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Malaysia boleh...
Malaysian apa pun Boleh!!!

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