Tok 3 Tok 4

Monday, December 31, 2007

Predictions for 2008


Today is the last day of 2007 which means tomorrow is the first day of 2008.

For your information, Master Lin Peh at has been working on providing you with the 2008 predictions.

Unlike other horoscope and astrology report which base on your birthyear, birthmonth, birthday, birthtime, sun sign, moon sign, star sign and your body shape, Master Lin prediction is catered for all peeple wan ! It's something like a one size fit all punya underwear! Somemore hor..this one you no need pay money wan! FREE OF CHARGE!

Here's Lin Peh prediction for 2008 designed especially for you:

2008 will be a year of progress but there will be hurdles as well. You have to face the hurdle intelligently and once you overcome the hurdles, you will enjoy the results. When you drive, drive carefuly because got a lot of road accidents and a lot of roadblocks. When cross the street also you must be careful because a lot of cars on the street.

They will be some changes in your career and/or working environment. You should be careful when making those changes and accept the changes with open mind if those changes was forced upon you. Don't argue with your boss.

2008 is a year of good health for you. But always watch your diet to prevent any unnecessary illness. Occasionally, if you feel sick, please go see doctor.

Financial will improve as long as you work hard. Don't be greedy. You stand a chance to strike lottery if you got buy lottery.

Your love life is generally good. For those in love, it's time to get married. For those married, you should avoid controversy so you will be more in love.

With the above predictions, Lin Peh wish you all, your family, and your entire kampong, Happy Yamade New Year!

Signing off for 2007.
Master Lin Peh @ Lingam Peh

Friday, December 21, 2007

This Year Why No Sing Song For Christmas ?

KNN, for past few weeks Lin Peh received so 9 many emails from the sorhai bloggers about why this year no sing-song projeck for Christmas. Many of them even cum out with their own reasons. Here are the 5 most commonly cited reasons:

1. Lin Peh busy preparing for election erection.

2. Lin Peh busy selling DVD to prepare for next year inflation.

3. Lin Peh scared do the wrong song accidently and kena charged ISA!

4. Lin Peh still in Batu Cave with those Hindraf fellas.

5. Lin Peh still "stuck" in the LinMa Japanese Harry-Cock-Tor Show.

Anyway, thanks for all your concern and sappot. But soli la, this year really no sing-song because Lin Peh very enviromently friendly and want to recycle the old songs ! HAHAHAHAHH!


Please download the song by right click HERE.

For those of you who are new to this blog, the song is a Christmas song Lin Peh did last year with a bunch of bloggers friends: 5xMom, Allison,Angel, Cocka, Crazy Girl, CY Gemini, Helen, Inevitable, JKN, John Ong, Kenny Ng, King's Wife, Lady Moon, Lin Peh, Little Patchi, LP, Matthew Kang, Rojak, Seng Kor, Simple American, Tiu Niasing. The song damn 9 solid and was on the dunno what chart for so many weeks. Listen to it to belief.

For those who have heard the song before, you may still download the song again if your computer kena virus and HD reformated already.

Anyway, enjoy the song, have a wonderful Christmas. Remember, don't drink and drive and don't drive while getting BJ from piaomei ;-)

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 07, 2007

What You Cannot See at LIMA You Get it at LINMA

In conjunction with the LIMA exhibition in Langkawi, Lin Peh also got organize a similar exhibition called LINMA exhibition.

Just like all other internationl high crass exhibitions, the LINMA also got showtime feature foreign artists wan. The highlight for this year LINMA show is the Helicopter Show performed by Japanese.

For those of you who missed it, here you go. The video clip of LINMA JAPANESE HELICOPTER SHOW:
