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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Flag Upside Down

KOTA BARU, Sept 17 –Police today arrested blogger Syed Azidi Syed Aziz or better known as Kickdefella under the Sedition Act, Kelantan executive councillor Datuk Husam Musa said.

Husam told reporters at the Kota Baru district police headquarters that Syed Azidi was picked up over an article he had written. Syed Azidi, who runs the blog Kickdefella, had once suggested that the Malaysian flag be flown upside down during the celebrations marking the nation's independence anniversary.

Ladies and genitalmen, please la.... Don't simply upside down your country's flag. Except for JAPANESE !

4 Condeminations:

Blogger zewt condemn:

hahahahaha.... guess japanese always flying upside down you no one will know...

Blogger Khun Pana aka johanssm condemn:

I am having a hard time with the Thailand flag too ah.
Upside down and it still look the same..aiyo

Blogger pisang goreng 115,NF condemn:

this flag up side down la...


you better run away now..
japanese will hunt down you to worm hole.

ka ka ka ka ka ka ka

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:


So much fun reading ur past posting till now, btw, came across ur blog by accident, dunno how i dropped in oso.

Anyway, back to ur earlier post, u said that site testing ur blog to see worth how much, i think now got value liao leh...13K if im not mistaken!!

Keep up ur wits, gd work!! Linpeh respect lu...

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