Tok 3 Tok 4

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

No Need Apologise la

Sorhai ! If you everyday talk about freedom of speech ! You have to accept the FREEDOM OF SPEECH ! So, so ahead, no need apologise wan la !

If you can't accept, you go Taiwan look for Piaomei lor !

6 Condeminations:

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

finaly linpeh come out to speeeech liao!
eh, the above keris guy and negalakuku oledi Apologise liao wo, so they ma lagi sorhai lo!?

Blogger Enajuis condemn:

hahaha. when its hindraf, ISA acted so fast. but on this mad cow, it took everyone so long to discuss la, meeting la, but no action taken which probe him to act more stupid.

Blogger dreamie condemn:

sorry seems to be the hardest word

Blogger W_W_H condemn:

wuah!!! i like that kid posing infront of the police!!!

very got talent!!!

Blogger pisang goreng 115,NF condemn:

linpeh man sui!!!!!!!!
linpeh rock!!!!!!!!!!!

enajuis you are right...........
and 1 more thing they are kebal of ISA

Blogger Khun Pana aka johanssm condemn:

We already know that these are facts lah.

The Chinese are babi , kaki mahjong and kaki Magnum 4D.

The Indians are kaki Toddy , kaki Johnny Walker and kaki Hindustani movie drama .

The Melayu are kaki mat rempit , kaki rogol own's daughter and kaki gian ganja

The Bengali are kaki main belakang , bank jaga and lembu jaga.

Since when we do not know all these lah. From Alor setar to singapore everybody also know lah.
No need for a mamak from penang to tell us all these.
Balik rumah Ta Fei Kei lagi baik.

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