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Friday, December 29, 2006

Bye Bye 2006

Thanks for everything.

HAPPY 2007 !

26 Condeminations:

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Happy New Year to you

Blogger Jo condemn:

Thanks for everything Lin Peh!!!


Happy 2007 to you.

Blogger inevitable condemn:

Welcome 2007... a better year ahead

Blogger rainbow angeles condemn:

Tenkiu for making me fehmes ;)

Happy New Oink Oink Year ;)

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:


Happy new year Lin Peh!

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Happy New Year 2 u, LinPeh. Hope to join in your singsong projeks next yr without those ooohhh, aaahhhs, ooohh, ahhhss, ohhhhs, aaahhhs, coming from the background, ya....

Blogger candygan condemn:

Happy New Year to you !!

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

No, thank YOU! HAPPY 2007!

Jammers are still commenting to me how cute the Rudolf song is :)

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

(btw, your blog is blocked by my campus' wifi - reason given: pornography. don't understand why :P)

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

HAppy New Year Lin Peh...... Thanks for all those happy days tat U brought to us in 2006 and hoping 2007 will be plenty more to come la......

Blogger sun, moon & star condemn:

Happy New Year to you and your family.

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Happy New Year Linpeh!

May your days be bright and sunny...
May your piaomeis be fat and funny!

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Happy New Year 2007 to you!

Blogger King's wife condemn:

Thanks for always being there.

Happy New Year to you!
May your next piaomei be better than the last!

Blogger Helen condemn:

Wishing you all the best in the coming year!

Happy New Year!

Yes, more sex and piaomeis ahead...

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Happy New Year 2007!!! been following your blog for quite some time without posting much. great to have u writing so much lan pah things. haha!!!

Blogger Wingz condemn:

happy new year!

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Happy 2007. Have a great year ahead!

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Ayam bek! Hmm...

Blogger dreamie condemn:

Happy 2007 , Lin Peh !

wishing you :
luv in your heart
health in your body
wealth in your life and
joy in your home

Cheers !! ... :)

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Happy New Year~~~

Blogger ah nel condemn:

Happy 2007 New Year...

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Happy New Year to you and your piaomeis!!

Blogger Helen condemn:

Send my regards to your piaomeis...

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Happy New Year lor... Linpeh

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Happy New Year !!!

Add your condemn
