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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Physical Training of GREAT Athlete


Please cum here often for an update on the Rudolf in Your House Sing Song Projeck for This Christmas.

After Lin Peh posted the video of my tennis student Ms Hoe Lynn Tai, many peeples asked Lin Peh to reveal more on the secret of how the training was done. They were all very impressed with how she could handle the ball so well! So, due to popular demand, Lin Peh will now show you a little bit about the physical training i.e. JOGGING:

8 Condeminations:

Blogger Wingz condemn:

all hail linpeh the hoe lynn thai mia trainer!!!

Blogger Maverick SM condemn: surely can train boobies. Hail Lin Peh!

Blogger ah nel condemn:

linpeh reli can squeeze... :D

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

Wah Lin Peh veri good trainer ah!! The boobies as big as watermelon also she can stand straight and also can jog sumore not fall off ah!! Veri veri good! U'r the man!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

wahhhhh... like 2 melons hitting each other..

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

wahhhhh... like 2 melons hitting each other..

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

linpeh can share her with limpeh onot?
Great things are for shared, sharing is caring ma.

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

explosive!!! too big n too scary!

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