Tok 3 Tok 4
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Effect of National Animal
Lin Peh, 12:38 PM
18 condeminations

Friday, October 27, 2006
Talking Cock in Parliment - Hossan Leong
Lin Peh, 11:23 AM
9 condeminations

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Miss Tiu Tok Story
LP Miss Tiu posted her fehmes
Tiu Tiu post, she has received a lot of compliments about her photoshop skills. However, not many peeples know that this
Miss Tiu is also very good in telling story - especially those Tiu Tiu story! No believe ? Lin Peh will now share one of her fehmes Tiu Tiu story with you. Enjoy:
Miss Tiu Tok Story
However, you can still download the file by right click HERE
Lin Peh, 8:48 PM
7 condeminations

Saturday, October 14, 2006
Nobel Peace Prize 2006 won by Bangladesh
"Bangladesh's Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank won this year's Nobel Peace Prize for working to advance economic and social development among the poor. Yunus, born in 1940, founded the Grameen Bank which provides credit to the poor in rural Bangladesh without any collateral." When Lin Peh saw the news today, Lin Peh's reaction was KNN leh ! How come our Boleh Country never produce such person even though our buliding taller than other peeples,
lanjiao sausage longer than other peeples and everything etc etc and etc also longest, biggest, and bestest in the world. Lanjiao leh ! Lin Peh don't believe our country with 20 over million peeples and run by a creative gaoment, we can't even have one nomination! However, after some serious searching, Lin Peh concluded that our fehmes blogger,
Wingz, actually stand a very good chance to win the award because he has also done many things to advance the economic and social development for the poor peeples.
So, to let everyone have a better understanding about
Wingz's contribution, Lin Peh hereby present to you
***Wingz For Nobel Prize***
Wingz Owns a Big Company
Which Has Lots Of Vacancies

Wingz Hire Many Employees

Especially Those From The Poor Countries

Wingz Give Them Job Also Give Study

Plus He Provide Them With Basic Amenities

Of Course He No Forget Those With Big Family

Wingz Also Give Them Food Of Quality

Plus Free Transport to Go To The Big City

During Weekend Wingz Take Them Go Cuti

Sometimes Even Go All The Way To Pee Dee

Unlike Some Not So Friendly Party,
Wingz Celebrate With Them During Deepavali

Some Of Them Even Get To Play His Didi

So, do you think Wingz qualify for the Nobel Prize? If so, please pass this massage to everyone you know. SPAM 9 their mailbox ! LOL!
Lin Peh, 11:38 AM
13 condeminations

Thursday, October 12, 2006
Last Samurai of Ah Beng
Tom Cruise Punya Last Samurai
Ah Beng Andy Punya Lak-sa Murai
Quite same huh ?
Lin Peh, 12:08 PM
8 condeminations

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
OLIN: Eye-Fi
Lin Peh is very proud to announce to you that the King of Humsap,
MR. ACEONE has recently joined OLIN as the small head of research department. Since then, he has succesfully invented a new produck call
Eye-Fi. Without further delay, Lin Peh is proud to present to you the first invention by
Here you go:
Another Great Produck by:
Lin Peh, 11:23 AM
11 condeminations

Friday, October 06, 2006
Please Use Proper Bahasa Malaysia
Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim recently said that his ministry will be proposing amendments to the Education Act and the National Language Act to include fines of up to RM1,000 against those who are found to have abused the national language. The amendments are to stop the improper usage of Bahasa Malaysia in advertisements, signboards, and billboards. According to him, there are many instances where Bahasa Malaysia and English were mixed or used together and become Rojak !
Based on the track record and the efficientcy of our gaoment, Lin Peh sure they will be going all out to enforce the law once the amendments are made. The first thing they will probably do is to fine everyone RM1,000 for carrying MyKad ! HAHAHAHHA !
Anyway, let's look at some of the names that Lin Peh think changes should be made:

This is straight forward. The new Malaysian name should be

This one also easy la. The new Malaysian name should be
SENTUH DAN PERGI (sounds like a crime huh? LOL)
This one susah a bit because there is no such word in the dictionary one. So, no choice la, break it into 2 parts and the new Malaysian name should be
ANAK TAMAN (Sounds like those babies who were conceived as a results of Yamade at Lake Garden...hahahaha!)
Wah lau eh! Getting more difficult liao! This one lagi cannot find in dictionary! Even break into 2 parts of (CAR FOUR) still got the "RE" as balance. So, we just have to keep the "RE" as something like punctuation like that and the new Malaysian name should be

Actually this HP alone is no problem one. But the full name of Hewlett-Packard is sooooo unMalaysian. Therefore, Lin Peh proposed that the full name be changed to
HUSSEIN-PAKLAH. (This name is so Malaysian and somemore get to skip the "M" in between. Can kill 2 kkc with one stone! HAHAHAHA !)
This name is also not Malaysian at all. Therefore, it will be better if they can change it to
SAMSENG. (Not only it becomes Malaysian, the gaoment can also use this to show LKY that the gaoment of Malaysia no maginalise the Chinese in the country! LOL!)
This one he asked for it one!

This one cannot dispute la. ! It should be called
Lin Peh, 8:48 PM
19 condeminations

Sunday, October 01, 2006
Sound Effects of iPiaomei
Lin Peh, 2:08 PM
10 condeminations