Tok 3 Tok 4
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Testimonial From Users of iPiaomei
“After using the iPiaomei, I can always perform – and perform well; no matter how hard I had to work earlier during the day” Desmond Wong (48), Construction worker
“I ordered the iPiaomei for my husband with skepticism. But after he has used it that same night, I am now a believer. The iPiaomei works. Its as simple as that!” King's Wife (50), Housewife
“I used to think that after the age of 65, quality sex was something that was beyond me. But after having used the iPiaomei, I believe that my best sexual encounters are yet to come” Ah Pek (68), CEO of Hardware Shop
“I can't believe how big an impact the iPiaomei had on my love life” AceOne (55), Marriage Consultant
“My wife had serious objections about me getting the iPiaomei. Now (after using it), I don't hear her complain anymore... about anything!” Maverick (70), Retired and nothing to do
“Now, my partners treat me like a 200-kilo piaomei even though I am only a skinny 45-KG la-la-mui. The iPiaomei has jump-started his engine!” Shiryen (20), IT Nerd
“Pre-mature ejaculation? What's that?!!! Frankly, it used to be a problem. But not anymore cause iPiaomei won't complaint!” Wingz(48), Rojak Seller
“Those who say, 'Size doesn't matter', simply don't know what they are missing. I am now bigger – and if I say so myself – very, very much better. You no belif ? Let me show you the picture !Last time before using the iPiaomei I was 7cm
Now ! After using the iPiaomei for only 3 days, I am 10cm!!!!
So please, do yourself a favour! Get the iPiaomei!” Cocka(57), Professional Chicken Seller!
Lin Peh, 7:55 PM
13 condeminations

Sunday, September 24, 2006
Latest from OLIN: iPiaomei !
After the very sucessful lauching of the
iKkcLock and
iFuck, OLIN is proud to present to you its latest produck:
iPiaomei !
Can be stored easily
Looked so much like real Piaomei!
Even the nen-nen so firm and nice to squeeze! (Better than most of the Aunti Bloggers)
Got Back Hole for those who wants Anal !
Also got front hole for those who prefer Normal!
Its flexibility let you explore all your dreamed positions!
So, why spend your hard earned money on the piaomeis when you can have iPiaomei delivered directly to your doorstep ?
To place your order, please have your credit card ready and call:
Another Great Produck by:
Lin Peh, 5:12 PM
24 condeminations

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Engrish lesson at Lin Cock Winz
After showing the student projeck by the world damn kao fehmes
Lin Cocka Wingz Unibersiti of Creative Yamade, it's now the time to show you how the teacher at
Lin Cocka Wingz teaches the students.
The following video will show you how the Engrish lesson is conducted by our import-from-japan teacher who was specifically selected by
Dean Cocka!
(He said he made the selection because Japanese mei mei can speak damn good yamade Engrish!)
Lin Peh, 9:08 PM
13 condeminations

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Thaksin Shinawatra Goreng Sotong !
After months of drama, Thaksin Shinawatra is said to have been goreng sotong by a military coup! Here is the so-called official video announcement about the coup but Lin Peh dunno what he toking about la ! Can those of you who always go Thai-Cock and Bang-Cock please translate ?
Taksin susah already la ! Next time you cum earlier to see la !
Lin Peh, 9:08 PM
9 condeminations

Sunday, September 17, 2006
Rebranding of Ah Loong !
Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, the Putera Umno chief said: "The ultimate goal of Putera Umno is to make Mat Rempit the eyes and ears of the police and to report on the activities of rogue Mat Rempit." Lin Peh strongly agree and sappot his brilliant idea! Our country surely need peeples like him who has great vision and innovation !
In order to show Lin Peh sappot in action , Lin Peh will now help him to rebrand out Ah Loong for free !
Even this logo also FOC la! Of course, to rebrand the Ah Loong, we must also come out with good reasons and show to the peeples the contributions that they have made to the society. Here's the summary:
Operating Hour | Monday to Friday, 930am to 4pm | 24 hours, 365 days per year |
Loan Processing Time | 7 days if you are lucky | Instant Approval |
Interest Rate | Depend on BLR | Always Fixed |
Documents Required for Loan Application | Form J, Form B, Form 24, Form 49, Form D, Form Lanjiao, Form Chibye | Passport Size Photo and Photocopy of IC |
Collateral | Only Accept Properties with Valuation Report | Accept House, Land, Car, Rolex, Wife, Galfriend |
Student Loan | Available to Students with Good Results | Students Results Not Applicable |
Phone Banking | Press 1 for English, 2 untuk Bahasa...etc | Just call the given handphone number and you will be serviced by our friendly officers |
Priority Banking | Available to rich peeples only | We treat everyone equally |
Confidentiality | Report only to CTOS, CCRIS, BNM, IRD etc | 100% Guarateed |
Non Performing Loan | Legal actions follow by reporting to Bank Negara | What is That? |
Lin Peh hope that Abdul Azeez will accept this proposal and get PM to officiate the formal rebranding ceremony.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein
Lin Peh, 2:28 PM
18 condeminations

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Calling all the Breasts !

In the spirit of Maraysia Boleh
(and also in conjuction with the Malaysia Cup final this weekend), a breastfeeding-thon will be held in Kuala Lumpur this coming Saturday (16th September 2006). Please go
here for more detail !
This is the first time such an event is held in Maraysia and the organiser is calling for all the breasts to make it a success. If possible, Kuala Lumpur wants beat the current world record which is held by the City of Manila with 3,738 mothers
(that means 7,476 breasts la..LOL!) So, for all of you who has breasts (
Wingz included), please be there and make this event a success ! Maraysia Boleh !
Warning: Please do not forget to bring along your baby when attending this event!
Lin Peh, 11:03 AM
30 condeminations

Sunday, September 10, 2006
Projeck by Students of Lin Cocka Wingz Unibersiti
After some intensive training at the world damn kao fehmes
Lin Cocka Wingz Unibersiti of Creative Yamade, it's time for the students to submit their first video projeck to show the world what they have learned. Lin Peh sure their father mother will be so happy that their children have been receiving such excellent training! Every single sen also worth ! LOL !
Here it the projeck:
Lin Peh, 2:33 PM
15 condeminations