Tok 3 Tok 4
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Reward for Mat Rempit
The above picture Lin Peh steal from LMF, the Official Bloggers Mat Rempit.Recently, The Star reported that Putera Umno has a new crime curbing idea of
"Motorbikes for Mat Rempit who help curb crime"The Chief of UMNO Putera, Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, said the incentive was one way of curbing snatch thefts and to encourage the illegal racers to be police informants.
According to him, the Mat Rempit would have to catch at least 30 snatch thieves first before getting the Motorbike. However, the Mat Rempit will still be rewarded with RM50 per catch for the first 30 catches.
According to Lin Peh, this Only Malaysia Boleh idea is damn bloody brilliant and should be
widely wildly promoted! In addition, the reward for the Mat Rempit should be more than just a fucked up motorbike. So, as usual, Lin Peh has cum out with the following ideas:

Sky Keep You la! *
* Sky Keep You is the official trademark of Lim Peh, the Sorhai Toudai of Lin Peh.
Lin Peh, 2:18 PM
15 condeminations

Thursday, February 15, 2007
Official Launch of Xin Nian Lai Lor

Ladies and genitalmen,
Sorry for the long long waiting and suspense suspense. Lin Peh hereby present to you the end produck of the 2007 Chinese New Year Sing Song Projeck:
He Xin Nian
The bloggers who participated in the projeck and the line they sing are as follows:
He Xin Nian1st RoundAllison He xin nian Zhu xin nian
Xin nian ah Nian lian nian
CY Gemini:Bao zhu sheng sheng cui de xiang you nian
Wen: He xin nian Zhu xin nian
Xin nian ah Nian lian nian
Kenny Ng: Sui yue you you guang yin shi jian
John Ong,Wuching,InevitableHui shou wang shi ru yan tong ku xing suan
Ji wang cong jin wan shi ru yuan
LPHe xin nian Zhu xin nian
Xin nian la Nian lian nian
WingzYuan ta jia dou guo ge tai ping nian
2nd RoundShooi, Lady MoonHe xin nian Zhu xin nian
Xin nian ah Nian lian nian
FrostierBao zhu sheng sheng cui de xiang you nian
Pin PinHe xin nian Zhu xin nian
Xin nian ah Nian lian nian
LilpatcheeSui yue you you guang yin shi jian
Angel, Lin Peh,John OngHui shou wang shi ru yan tong ku xing suan
Ji wang cong jin wan shi ru yuan
Lin Peh and FriendsHe xin nian Zhu xin nian
Xin nian la Nian lian nian
Yuan ta jia dou guo ge tai ping nian
If you want to download the song directly to your computer, just right click
HERE Again, Lin Peh like to tank Q all of you for your sapport in this type of Eat Full Nothing to Do Projeck. Hope this song will bring many many good lucks to everyone.
Meanwhile, Lin Peh also want to say special Tank Q to
5xMom for hosting the file. Hope the song don't screw up her server ;-)
With this song, Lin Peh can officially sao gong for the year of dog. Have a happy new year, see you soon!
Gong Xi Fa Chai
Lin Peh, 3:08 PM
26 condeminations

Thursday, February 08, 2007
No Worry if You Don't Have Valentine's Date
This following post is intended only for Lin Peh's pretty female readers!
For those of you who have no date for this Valentine's Day, your worry ends here ! Because Lin Peh has cum to your rescue by offering special packages to make sure you have a wonderful memorable unforgetable Valentine's Day.
For this cumming Velentine's Day, the following packages are avaiable:
Package 8888
For the RICH ! Only RM8,888 you will be picked up by Lin Peh's imported high crass long long Limosine! Lin Peh will cum to your doorstep with 99 roses and take you go high crass restaurant for candle light dinner ! Of course it will be followed by a whole evening of yamade which include at least 18 different positions from Kamasutra !
Package 888 
For the MIDDLE CLASS ! For RM888 you will be picked up by Lin Peh's locally assembled Proton Limosine! Lin Peh will cum to your doorstep with a bouquet of recycled roses
(originally used at some funeral parlour wan la) and take you go KFC for dinner ! Of course it will be followed by 2 hours of yamade which include foreplay !
Package 88 
For those on BUDGET ! For RM88 you will be picked up Lin Peh antique Vespa! Lin Peh will cum to your doorstep with one batang of rose and take you go to the nearest mamak stall
(cannot go far far one because petrol expensive)for dinner ! Of course it will be followed by a quickie yamade (one shot only)!
Package 8 
For the CHEAPSKATE ! For only RM8 you will get a Happen Valentine's card on the email from Lin Peh !
To make your reservaation, please email to Lin Peh directly ! Serious Enquiry only ! Play play one, Lin Peh will send the funeral limo to pick you up ! HAHAHA!
Lin Peh, 5:40 PM
21 condeminations

Friday, February 02, 2007
Wingz Can Sing - Part 3

After Lin Peh previous 2 posts, many peeples all asking to see the Part 3 of Wingz can Sing video. Some even request for Wingz to do it LIVE! So, if you want to watch Wingz Live in Concert 2007. Here's the info:
Venue :
Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
Date :
9 March 2007
Time :
6 pm till 11 pm
Dress code :
Anything or Nothing
Charge :
RM35.00 (payment made before 18 Feb 2007)
RM40.00 (payment made after 18 Feb 2007)
So what are you waiting for? Wang LeHom will cost you RM300! Rain RM800! but WINGZ RM35 only and got dinner somemore ! Not because he is cheap, but because his pang yaos many and they all sponsor kao kao ! So, other than watching his performance and eat the high crass hotel dinner, there will also be lucky draw and games ! Where to find? Lin Peh heard the grand prize is going to be a lomantik night with Wingz but not confirm yet. You need to be there to find it out yourself !
For futher enquiries and ticket purchase, please email the organiser at This Event is Proudly Sponsored By:
Lin Peh, 6:28 PM
6 condeminations