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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Mandarin from Muar

Lin Peh saw this very nice video on youtube today and would like to share it with you all here !

The video is a homemade MTV with a kampong boy from Muar singing his own composition "Mandarin from Muar". For those of you who don't know, the peeples from the sounthern part of Malaysia, Muar included, speak mandarin with a strong kampong accent and this MTV is like a tribute to those who speak the Muar's Mandarin.

Lin Peh really like it and hope this kampong boy by the name of 明志 (Ming Zhi) will make it big someday ! Bravo to 明志 (Ming Zhi) for a wonderful MTV, Lin Peh wish you the best !

Ladies and genitalmen, HERE WE GO !

10 Condeminations:

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

AhBeng Muar can rap!! Bagus!!

Blogger ckyeo condemn:

that fler might be lim peh's long lost bruder coz lim peh also muar peeple!!!

Blogger Wingz condemn:

wuah this one best!!!!! KOU LIK!!!

Blogger rainbow angeles condemn:

Whoa... very talented... like u! Neh.. like u when u did the "su su liam liam" ahh...

Blogger Huei condemn:

so keng chou!

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

This one is Earl Ku rapping is it? LoL...

Blogger Leena condemn:

麻坡lang的华语是zhe yang的吗? (ok, I live close to Muar but I speak perfect Mandarin wor....

I remember last time they said ni and wo in a very funny way..of course in our home, can't speak that kind of Mandarin.

Blogger Leena condemn:

I meant I grew up in a small town close to Muar and yes all my hokkian friends spoke hokkien accent Mandarin...

Blogger lil'd condemn:

power!!! sounds like wu bai

Anonymous Anonymous condemn:

hahah, made me laugh like crazy. Very talented singer, crude, but talented, diamond in the rough. Hope he gets discovered.

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