Tok 3 Tok 4

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Lin Peh Learn Engrish !

My blog buddie cock-a-doodle signed Lin Peh up for the following Engrish course recently:


Tanks Q veli much !

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Da LinPeh Code - Decoded

Here's the answer for Da LinPeh code:

The decoding is actually based on the boobsize in accordance to the standard set by the veli fehmes boob specilist,King's Wife.

Many entries were received and there were 2 fuckers who actually got it right !
1. cock-a-doodle - Surprise ?
2. lilpatchee - This one really the surprise !

Winners, please contact Lin Peh for the surprise gift !

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Tank Q Everyone !

Received a total of 26 recorded messages (40 minutes in total) for the "Voice For A Cause" Campaign. All these have been compiled into an audio CD, together with a card, have been given to her mum this morning.

On behalf of SCB and her family, thank you very very much !

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wake Up SCB!

As most of you are aware, a fellow blogger, Siao Cha Bor (Lisa), has been in a coma since 8th April.

It appears that she is responding to sounds. We hope that by having more people talk to her, she will recover faster. I am sure many of you out there has got a message for her but may not be able to go and see her at the hospital.

So, I would like to do a compilation of all your voice messages and ensure that she gets to hear them.

Please record your message in mp3 or wav format and forward it to me at by 12 noon, Thursday, 20th April 2006.

Thank you all.

**Note: This idea is not my original! LP called me all the way from melaka and gave Lin Peh the idea wan. Tank Q LP!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Da LinPeh Code

The following message is written in the newly developed Da LinPeh Code*. Please decode it. Those with the correct answers will get a surprise gift ! The correct answer and the winners will be announced in the next post.

* Sparesial fuck must be given to King's Wife for the development of this 11967bit Da LinPeh Code.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Malaysia Boleh ! We all Fehmes liao !

Spending millions in sponsoring Manchester United united won't get you this!

Having the longest lanjiao (or the biggest chibye) in the world won't get you this!

Shooting up a spaceman up the sky won't get you this !

All we need is just one summon by a small fly cityhall officer! If you no believe, please download

This Video

Tank Q Very Much!

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Let's Go Watch Movie for FREE !

Got invited today by my Blog buddie,Y. Bhg Tan Sri Rojaks Wingz , to go watch the Premier Show of "The Wild" A Disney Movie. But this cheap-skate fella told Lin Peh that the condition is that Lin Peh must bring along some piao meis (imported or locally assembled oso can) or alternatively enter a contest at his blog.

Since Lin Peh got no intention to intro my piao meis to this humsap Lojak, Lin Peh has decided to join the contest! So, if you are interested to go watch the movie with Lin Peh, Rojak, and the rest of the Gila Bloggers (provided all of us win la), you are welcum to join the contest as well.

Goood luck and let's go watch movie !

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Deepest Condolences to LP

By Mary E. Frye

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the softly falling snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain.
I am the fields of ripening grain.

I am in the morning hush.
I am in the graceful rush
of beautiful birds in circling flight.
I am the star shine of the night.

I am in the flowers that bloom;
I am in a quiet room.
I am in the birds that sing;
I am in each lovely thing.

Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there; I did not die.

Deepest condolences to my Sing Song kaki, LP, for the passing away of her beloved daddy.

Lin Peh

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ansell Battery Operated Condom

Lin Peh got a chance to try out the new Vibrating Condom by Ansell recently and Lin Peh feel that it's my social reponsibility to share the expereince with all of you.

First of all, you may want to check out the fehmes Fatty Sia's blog for the detail mechanism of the condom before you proceed here.

The condom is nice and exciting to use and Lin Peh strongly recommended that you try it out. Surprisingly, Lin Peh also discovered that the condom can also be used for other purposes:

1. Use it as Electrical Tooth Brush.
After capping your lanjiao with the condom, just put some toothpaste on it and your galfriend piaomei wife can have her teeth cleaned while giving you a blowjob. Liddat she will give u BJ evey morning and every night and Lin Peh sure that you 2 will live happily ever after.

2. Wear it when you swim.
If you wear it when you swim, Lin Peh sure you will be the champion in all the swimming competition. Because the moment you switch on the vibrating candom, your lanjiao will be vibration like the propeller in the speedboat and you can tell Ian Thorpe to kiss your ass and his world record goodbye! But please remember to on it only after you enter the pool or else you may be disqualified for doing pool side break dancing.

However, there is a very important safety measure that you have to remember before you test it out yourself.

Do Not Change to Big-big Battery!

Lin Peh sure many of you will probably try to use the hi-powered battery to increase the pleasure and the swimming speed but let me warn you first that this type of electrical appliances can easily short circuit in wet condition. Meaning, if the wiring got exposed in the swimming pool or the chibye got too wet, you lanjiao may ended up looking like this:


Saturday, April 01, 2006

Someone hacked your blog! Everything gone !

Since today is April 1. Lin Peh fool fool with some of Lin Peh mia blogging kakis by sms out the following message to them

"Someone hacked your blog! Everything gone!"

Siao Cha Bor

Siao Cha Bor: Wat?
(Lin Peh tinking...KNN...she still fucking hangover from last night kah)

Lin Peh: Your blog la. All info gone !

Siao Cha Bor: Don joke man.
(Lin Peh dun give a fuck see whether she goes crazy)

Siao Cha Bor: I boil ur lunciao if u joke

Siao Cha Bor: u april me ?

Siao Cha Bor: i gona post a recipe on how to cook sausages. c la. my hands trembling

Lin Peh: Aiyo! April fool la ;-)


Jomel: April fool joke leh. Only i am not a fool. Are you?

LP: No fun one :-(

Zara Mama

Zara Mama: Happy april fools day to you too :-)

Lin Peh: Chibye! No fun one :-(

King's Wife

King's Wife: Dun bluff!

Lin Peh: Bluff you for fuck ah?

King's Wife: I not home. Can't verify.
(wow ! she sounds worry...kakakaka)

Lin Peh: In case you go crazy. April fool la ;-)

King's Wife: Niamah....u !


GBYeow: Harddisk crashed. You weren't reading emails yesterday? LOL!
(This Boredfucker's server actually crashed 2 days ago but recovered late last night)

Lin Peh: Already recovered but now all gone la!

GBYeow: You think april fools ah ? KNN! I up all night looking at it ! HAHA !

Lin Peh: Chibye lang. No fun wan :-(

GBYeow: Haha ! What to do. You must check whether I online or not ma. You check pps. That's my april fools joke. All pings are mine! Haha !

Lin Peh: Fucker you damn berani la. Dare to pray pray with the pee pee ass peeple.

GBYeow: What? Worst they can do is ban. Not like got Syok Syok traffic also.

Lin Peh: kakakakakaka !


9393: Then, it's end of 9393

(9393 called but Lin Peh no tiu him)

Lin Peh: Cool down bruder! Happy april fools day la ;-)

9393: Diew lee lo mei !

Ah May

Ah May: Izit ka ? Thank goodness for backup ! :-P haha !

Lin Peh: Chibye. No fun one :-(

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