Tok 3 Tok 4

Thursday, June 28, 2007

MP or GT Girls ?


According to the report at THE STAR paper today, 2 sorhai MPs from the Barisan Nasional condemned the models of the GT Gals who were in Malaysia recently for the Super GT International Series.

Hasni Mohamad asked whether the Youth and Sports Ministry had ignored reminding the organiser of the Super GT International Series about the dress code for the Japanese models taking part in the event.

Whereas Mohamed Aziz asked why the authorities seemed to be reluctant to take action against foreigners when they committed offences in the country. He somemore asked "Do all men like to look at naked women? There may be some men who like to watch. But are the authorities afraid to take action against foreigners?".

So, Lin Peh like to do a survey now.

Do you like to look at

A) Hasni Mohamad


B) Mohamed Aziz


C)The GT Gals !



Please make you choice carefully as it may affect the outcum of the next general erection !


Monday, June 25, 2007

Space Mission 101


As part of the celebration of the 50th birthday of the country, Malaysia will be sending its first man to the outer space. So, as a good Malaysian blogger, Lin Peh will be doing a series of Space Mission Posts to show support that the Spirit of Malaysia Boleh will be going up the sky!

In case you don't know, the Malaysian astronaut is trained under the "Russian Space Program" one. And we all know that the Russian will be holding back a lot of classified information from our astronaut because the Russian also scared that if we learn too much, we may end up joint venture with Volks Wagon becoming their competitor.

So, after Lin Peh's extensive research, Lin Peh manage to compile a list of things that the Russian WIll NOT be telling our astronaut. Here is the list:

1) They don't play "Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang" in their inflight entertainment.

2) They don't serve Nasi Lemak on board.

3) When you don't follow the instruction of the captain, he will kick-dance your kkc.

4) Russian spaceship is powered by VODKA!

5) Due to the Russian slang, when the captain shouted "Prepare for rear-entry" he actually means "Prepare for re-entry"!

6) You can access "" on the spaceship computer system!

7) The complimentary copy of the in-flight magazine does not have the "Visit Malaysia Year" advertisement!

8) No matter how close you fly to the MEASAT Satellite, you still can't get free Astro Channels!

9) In the event of leaking in the spaceship, never say "Putra Jaya, we have a problem!"

10) Due to the effects of zero gravity, you will have constant Erection while you are in the SPACE !

Friday, June 22, 2007

Screen Cleaner

You probably don't realize it, but your computer's Screen must be cleaned each day especially after surfing all the porno sites !

Not only that your screen need to be cleaned from outside but the cleaning on the inside of the screen is also very important before your monitor explode! Lin Peh know it is very difficult to do that's why Lin Peh is now giving you a FREE DEVICE that will do the trick. Just move the mouse around the following picture and your screen will be cleaned from the inside.

Clean already or not ? So, make sure cum Lin Peh site and get your computer screen cleaned everyday! It's Free Wan ! No Need to Pay Wan !


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

T-Shirt to Support Lin Peh

Nowadays, everything also talk about packaging. Even during the on going trail of the high profile Mongolian case the family and friends of the accused Abdul Razak Baginda also came out with T-shirts to show their support.


After seeing what they have done, Lin Peh also starting to come out with some T-shirt for those potential supporters of Lin Peh in case Lin Peh also have to go to court.

So, here are the sample that Lin Peh have came out with:







Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Create A Life, Donate Sperm

Many of you are familiar with the non-stop blood donation drive and Lin Peh really respect those of you who always participate in it. Lin Peh know some of you donate until face green green but still do it cause it's a very good thing to save life. Surely next time go heaven also express lane, no immigration checkpoint wan!

Anyway, Lin Peh will be organising a charity event entitle "Create a Life, Donate Sperm" for all my humsap readers soon. And this is how it will be done:

p.s. The sperm donated will be kept in the fixed deposit of National Sperm Bank until it generate enough interest ! HAHAHAH!

Friday, June 15, 2007

India To Hold F-1 Race Starting 2009

India here we cum !



Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Monday, June 11, 2007

Wah ! The Snake Very Big !

You say this snake big or not ?

Very big leh?

Big or not?

Confirm or not?

Friday, June 08, 2007

Samy Write Poem ?

Today, bernama reported that work minister Samy Vellu has penned a poem for the wedding of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Jeanne Abdullah and the Poem goes like this:

From this day forward,
You shall not walk alone.
Her heart will be your shelter,
And her arms will be your home.

A mountain needs a valley to be complete;
the valley does not make
the mountain less, but more;
and the valley is more a valley because
it has a mountain towering over it.

As you all know, Lin Peh is damn good in research one. And guess what ? Lin Peh found a poem entitle "From this day forward" here. It is exactly the same as first part of Samy's poem! UPDATE: and the second part of his poem with all the valley valley one from Blessing For A Marriage by James Dillet Freeman

Lanjiao la ! Word by word! and Samy somemore said he wrote one ?

This is called CHEATING OK?

If this thing happened during the 3-kingdom time in China, Samy head will be chop for Lying ! Not only his head, his whole family also all chop !

KNNBCCB! Next time want copy also don't copy from internet la ! Copy from those write on the wall on toilet wan easier la. But make sure you rub it off after copy. Or if you really so never go school, ask Lin Peh write one for you la ! Here is goes:

Bila PM Ada Bini
Samy Memang Suka Hati
Pasal PM akan Busy
Dengan Bini Baru Ini

Samy Boleh Minum Kopi
Boleh Jugak Makan Roti
Kasi Naik Toll Tinggi Tinggi
PM Sibuk Tak Akan Peduli

Write Poem ? NAAAAHHHH! Lanjiao la !

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has announced he will marry Jeanne Abdullah, 53, in a private ceremony in Seri Perdana on Saturday, June 9.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

One Day in The News


President Bush's European trip was jarred as it began Monday by deteriorating relations with Russia and threatening words from President Vladimir Putin. In a diplomatic poke in the eye at Putin, Bush started the European trip with stops in the Czech Republic and Poland — the two countries where the United States wants to build a missile defense system for Europe.


President Vladimir Putin's warning that Russia would aim missiles at Europe if Washington pursued its plan to build a missile defence shield near Russian borders


Chinese President Hu Jintao will present China's propositions on climate change at the upcoming outreach session of the G-8 Summit,


Ties between Singapore and Kuwait are set to grow in culture and information as special agreements were signed on Monday to kick-start exchange programmes in the arts, TV, radio and press. One particular deal sees Kuwait, Singapore and India co-investing in a US$110 million petrochemical plant in Singapore.

Back Home in Malaysia

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Monday rapped some government employees for not being able to sing the "Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang" national song.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Malaysia on USA News !

It seems that Malaysia nowadays very BOLEH even the Chinese TV Station in USA got news coverage on Malaysia!

According to the news, an officer in charge of passport renewal at the Malaysia Consulate General In New York was reportedly estorting from those Malaysian who were renewing their passport.

Here is the news clip:

Malaysian Boleh!
