Tok 3 Tok 4
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Fuck Off Mother Fucker !

KNNBCCP ! This morning got so many comments at my old post
here. Lin Peh kena spam by don't know which chibye opposition sarpotter la cause all the comments also like chibye anti-gaoment liddat wan ! C'mon la ! Go post at relevant blog la ! Don't come tumpang Lin Peh blog like those piao mei tumpang the piao ker wallet liddat !
Diu nia ma chao hai ! Be realistic a bit la! Just because Lin Peh poke fun at the gaoment sometimes, you think Lin Peh's blog is an avenue for you to voice your chibye anti-gaoment view? or you think Lin Peh will represent you in the coming erection ? Fuck you la !
Somemore hor, if you think the gaoment is stupid, please are also not much better! Why so ? Simply because you chibye spam at my old post! So one read already wan la !
(Just like old aunties, no one see already la !hehehehee!). Small kids also know that if you want to spam, spam the new post la! No need Lin Peh teach you right ? Stupid Mother Fucker !
In conclusion, Fuck Off Mother Fucker ! Please take your chibye comments somewhere else !
By the way,
Lin Peh, 11:38 AM
17 condeminations

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
How to Cheh-len with this Fella ?
Tank Q veli much to all of you for your concern regarding Lin Peh's job interview as the condom tester recently. Lin Peh know that some of you probably think that Lin Peh is already dead especially after you saw the testees in the previous post.
Just to keep you update, Lin Peh did not take the job because the company prefer Angmor tester with big cock because they want do the Angmor market for the product. Of course, if compare to those Angmor, we asian kenot cheh-len them no matter how big our cocks are. Anyway, Lin Peh got know one Angmor who always tell peeple that he got the biggest cock in the world, so Lin Peh being such a nice friend called him up and recommend him this job.
I am sure by now, all my silais readers would like to know how the Angmor and his cock looks like. So, without further delay, let Lin Peh present to you.....Angmor with the Biggest Cock in the World....
Big or not ? ;-)
Lin Peh, 4:18 PM
5 condeminations

Thursday, March 23, 2006
Beware of Mad Cow Disease !
Went for the interview today as a condom tester and here are the testees for Lin Peh to test on.......
(seems like the effect of Mad Cow disease is more than just Cow Peh Cow Bu)
Lin Peh, 4:09 PM
14 condeminations

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Lin Peh looking for a Job !
Many peeples asked Lin Peh why nowadays seldom condemn liao. So, Lin Peh think it's better to tiao all the readers the reason before you all fuck Lin Peh until sperm also cum out from nose !
The reason is Lin Peh has recently been hit very hard by the increase of oil prices and thus no mood already. Of course Lin Peh can follow the advice of the gaoment by changing the lifestyle but screw you la, what's the point of living if Lin Peh have to cut down on piao mei expenditures and use the money to pay toll? or worst still, sell my mar-si-li and use the money to take bus! Lin Peh may be crazy but certainly not stupid ! OK ? Anyway, like the chinese peeple said "When the horse die, get down and walk la!" therefore Lin Peh is currently busy seeking for a part-time job to subsidies Lin Peh mia lifestyle.
After going thro all the job hunting websites and the classified ads on our newspapers, Lin Peh realized that all the taokehs who advertised are either looking for slaves or fucking genius, which both also Lin Peh not qualify! Seriously, Lin Peh think the gaoment should also send the taokehs to those classes attended by the "unempployed" graduates. So, the employer and the employee can strike some deals while they are attending the same class. Like dat, gaoment can save the money of organising those job hunting fair lor ! Good idea leh ?
Anyway, as Lin Peh was crusing on the net today, Lin Peh found one very good job that is very suitable for Lin Peh:
Condom TesterIf any of you can get me this job, please let Lin Peh know ! Lin Peh willing to give you the first month salary as commission !
Hope to hear from you soon ! ;-)
Technorati Tag: Condom, Job, Inflation
Lin Peh, 6:57 PM
20 condeminations

Saturday, March 18, 2006
Untitled Post
Screw down somemore
More screw down please
I mean somemore la
Somemore I meant
Little more
More Little more
Little little more
Slightly little more
Lin Peh, 12:12 PM
29 condeminations

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Si Lai of the Month - February 2006
Lin Peh hereby announce that the Award for the February 2006 Lin Peh Si Lai of the Month goes to:
King's WifeThe reason
King's Wife won the award are:
1. She perm her eye lashes!
2. She got do the open house during Chinese New Year at her bangoro house!
3. She loves Richard Gere, the official Ang Mor Si Lai Satt Sao!
p.s. NO ! she did not give Lin Peh BJ to win this award :-(
Lin Peh, 12:06 PM
12 condeminations

Friday, March 10, 2006
Simplest Sex Manual in the World !
After many years of yamade sexpereinces and trying out all the positions listed
here, finallyt, Lin Peh has invented the easiest sex manual in the world. Please get your copy here for free. Please scroooool down
Down somemore !
A Bit More !

Ok ah ?
Technorati Tag: Sex, Manual, Kamasutra
Lin Peh, 3:42 PM
26 condeminations

Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Think Twice before Posting Your Pic
Lin Peh, 7:54 PM
18 condeminations

New Price List from OGH !
This morning, our koopitiam drink tea session is like the last time chibye Reformasi like dat. All the kakis also komplain about the oil price like the world is coming to end because of the 30sen increase!
However my friend Or Gao (the CEO of the OGH) has a veli good point. He said no matter how we komplain or fuck the gaoment, the decision will still remain the same. So, what for Cow Father Cow Mother ? Instead, he said, we must channel our angergy to thinking of how to get rich from this gaoment decision. So, he showed us this:
p.s. for those of you who wants to know more about my friend Or Gao, please read here.
Technorati Tag: Inflation, DVD, vcd, CD pirated
Lin Peh, 3:08 PM
10 condeminations

Friday, March 03, 2006
3 March 2006
Lin Peh, 4:29 PM
14 condeminations

Thursday, March 02, 2006
2 March 2006
Lin Peh, 5:28 PM
14 condeminations